The World Is Your Oyster
Imperial Sour Ale
Seafood has always been challenging partner for a beer. Yes, few beers can carry the burden, but it still required some reservations. We brewed this beer to be the perfect match for seafood. It’s crisp, strong and sour that didn’t fit under existing beer styles, so we invented new style - “imperial sour ale.”
“Why then the world’s mine oyster Which I with sword will open.” – The Merry Wives Of Windsor Act 2, scene 2, 2–5
Experience: Straw yellow beer with a bright white fluffy head that quickly disappears to nothing but few white spots.
The aroma gives a first strong hint that it’s not your ordinary beer. Lemon, white currant, a sour slice of pineapple. Experienced beer afficionado will also recognize the fruity sourness of lacto fermentation.
The first sip is crisp and refreshing. There is not really too much point to search your beer vocabulary. There is no hop aromas or bitterness, no sweetness or chocolate from malts. It’s a different landscape. Dry white wine may be a better starting point. The sour notes from lemon, bitterness from lime, hints to pineapple and peach. In the pronounced sourness, malts get honey-like character.
In the aftertaste, there is long lasting fruity sourness turning slowly tart.
It pairs wonderfully with seafood. We recommend Gillardeau oysters.
Just facts
ABV: 8.5% OG: 17.5 FG: 5.8 IBU: 5 EBC: 9