Little Yellow Dragon
Spiced Sour Ale
“Little Yellow Dragon” is a sour ale, inspired by Asian cuisine.
Experience: First, there is turmeric. As you pour out beer, it takes a bold position in aroma and color of the beer. And there is a good reason to be bold; turmeric boosts unique and bold flavor.
Although turmeric dominates the aroma, it leaves plenty of room in flavor for strong sourness from WildBrew Sour Pitch bacteria.
In the middle, finally, malt manages to break through and provide some malty sweetness. If you are careful, you can spot green tea cautiously peeking out behind the corner.
In the end, it’s turmeric again. This time it’s less intense, more peppery and mingling along with a fruity and citrusy side of lacto fermentation.
Just facts
ABV: 4.0% OG: 9.2P FG: 1.5P IBU: 5 EBC: N/A