The Darkest Hour Before the Dawn
Barrel-aged maple and tonka bean stout
In the darkest hour before dawn, when it feels like light is gone forever, we are carrying the fire. This tiny spark in our hearts is carrying the light and the warmth for the entire world until the sun will set again.
“The Darkest Hour Before the Dawn” is pitch black barrel aged imperial stout whose dark exterior hides shiny hope from maple syrup and tonka beans.
Experience: It pours pitch black with thick and firm light brown head that leaves solid lacing on the walls of your glass.
Aroma provides volumes of hints for the upcoming party. Vanilla, almonds, marzipan and maple syrup.
The first sip. OK, this is pure opulence. Creamy full body starts shoveling the goodies - sweet maple syrup, aromatic mocha, darkbitter 98% chocolate, sugared almonds, and caramelly toffee.
In the end, some hop bitterness and tannins from the oak barrel will try to establish bridgehead but will be quickly overpowered by sweet spices and maple syrup.
Just facts
ABV: 10.5% OG: 25.5P FG: 6.9P IBU: 70 EBC: 130